About Us

Called to Live Out Jesus’ Commands

World Ministries assists in fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission by championing globally the cause of making multiplying disciples, by equipping nationals to lead church planting movements of disciple-making churches, and by creatively expressing Jesus’ love and compassion to the unreached everywhere.

The passion of World Ministries is to serve churches, pastors, and Christian leaders around the world by coaching them to penetrate culture, lead men and women to Christ, and help these believers grow to maturity.

We are a highly relational ministry where people are valued above programs and where all with whom we come in contact are treated with respect, sensitivity, and compassion.


Who We Are

World Ministries began in December 1999 when a group of Christian businessmen volunteered to stand behind Dr. Dave Hine and his life-long passion for making disciples by founding World Ministries. Our passion is to help pastors in America and around the world intensify outreach, disciple-making, and church multiplication. Our impact has grown in numerous countries of Asia and Africa, as our team of experienced U.S. based leaders have trained nationals everywhere we go to take responsibility for reaching their people and their nations.

We specialize in helping churches become intentional about making disciples. Our vision is to see movements of disciple-making churches multiplied globally. Through training national leaders who multiply churches generation after generation we have seen more than 4000 churches planted during these years… all to the Glory of our Lord!

Our “World Intent” initiative works with churches and other mission organizations to strengthen outreach and disciple-making through creative 21st century strategies. Our “Grace Community Empowerment” partner is a prime example of our compassion based outreaches to reach the poorest of the poor and to plant churches among devastated communities.

Our global leadership team members each have fruitful ministries that have touched thousands of lives. We have a passion and vision to help reach the world, a heart to serve Christ's church in the U.S. and overseas, and a constantly growing track record of impact. Many who know us well call us an incredibly “lean and mean” ministry. Our impact far exceeds what is expected from a team of our size with a limited budget. It is a privilege to serve the Lord and to see Him work!

Now we believe it is His time for us to further expand our staff and impact!

Who We Are

Celebrating our 20th year!

World Ministries began in 1999 when a group of Christian businessmen volunteered to stand behind Dr. Dave Hine and his life-long passion for making disciples by founding World Ministries with a vision to help Pastors in America and around the world intensify outreach, disciple-making and church multiplication.For 20 years our impact has grown in numerous countries of Asia and Africa, as our team of experienced U.S. based leaders have trained nationals everywhere we go to take responsibility for reaching their people and their nations.

We specialize in helping churches become intentional about making disciples. Our vision is to see movements of disciple-making churches multiplied globally. Through training national leaders who multiply churches generation after generation we have seen more than 3000 churches planted during these years… all to the Glory of our Lord!

Through our “World Intent” initiative, we seek to partner with churches and other mission organizations to strengthen outreach and disciple-making through creative 21st century strategies.  Our “Grace Community Empowerment” partner is a prime example of our compassion based outreaches to reach the poorest of the poor and to plant churches among devastated communities.

Our global leadership team members each have fruitful ministries that have touched thousands of lives. We have a passion and vision to help reach the world, a heart to serve Christ's church in the U.S. and overseas, and a constantly growing track record of impact. Many who know us well call us an incredibly” lean and mean” ministry. Our impact far exceeds what is expected from a team of our size with a limited budget. It is a privilege to serve the Lord and to see Him work!

Now we believe it is His time for us to further expand our staff and impact, and we are excited about our next decade!

Statement of Faith

We Believe:

A. That the Scriptures (the Bible), both Old and New Testament, are the inspired Word of God, without error in the original writings. The Bible is the revelation of God's will for salvation of men and women and the Divine and final authority for Christian faith and practice.

B. In one God who is creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

C. That Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins according to the Scriptures. Further, He arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, where at the right hand of the Majesty on High, He is now our High Priest and Advocate.

D. That the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, and during this age, to convict men and women, regenerate the believing sinner, and indwell, guide, instruct, and empower the believer for godly living and service.

E. That mankind was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is, therefore, lost. Only through regeneration by the Holy Spirit can salvation and spiritual life be obtained.

F. That the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only ground for justification and salvation for all who believe. Only those who receive Jesus Christ are born of the Holy Spirit and, thus, become children of God.

G. In the bodily resurrection of the dead; of the believer to everlasting blessedness and joy with the Lord; of the unbeliever to judgment and separation from God.

Our Leaders & Partners

Dave Hine

President and Founder

Dave has more than forty years experience as Disciplemaker, Pastor, Teacher, Mission President and Church Coach. His passion is to encourage Pastors and assist churches in greater fruitfulness and increased disciple-making effectiveness. Dave is an ordained minister with both Th.M and D.Min degrees. In addition to international teaching, Dave leads the organizational aspect of World Ministries and is an author and editor of our training materials. Dave and his wife Lynn are the parents of three grown children and reside in Leesburg Florida.

Al Rossi

Executive Vice President (Volunteer)

Al has served the administrative needs of World Ministries as a volunteer since 2009. With 25 years experience in Pastoral ministry and a background in financial administration and operations, Al helps manage the many administrative needs of W.M. and bring awareness to the impact the ministry is having around the globe. He has an undergraduate degree from Cairn University and a masters degree from Dallas Seminary.

Ren Sabio, JD

Executive Director

Ren is a pastor, church planter, discipler, and missionary. He has a heart to equip and train fellow pastors to help fulfill the Great Commission.

Ren has a Juris Doctor from Western State University, College of Law. Prior to being in ministry, he excelled in the corporate world until 2003 when he left to pursue pastoral ministry. As Executive Director, Ren provides vision, direction, and encouragement to the staff of World Ministries and its ministry partners. Ren and his wife Leah are the parents of five grown sons who are all involved in ministry. They currently have eight grandchildren and they reside in Southern California.

[Name kept secured]

International Vice President

Our International Vice President serves a vital role in our organization and often ministers to those in difficult places. He is a career Pastor, missionary, church-planter, and a highly effective teacher-coach. His degrees (Th.M. and D.Min.) and his experiences have prepared him for a faithful and fruitful life of exceptional impact.

Rob Boswell

Founder and Director of World InTent

Rob brings passion and an entrepreneurial spirit to his responsibilities as he seeks creative ways to help Pastors maximize their impact. “World Intent” epitomizes Rob’s vision of a self-sustaining, community-led approach to outreach. Rob holds two masters degrees from Dallas Seminary. Rob also began our Philippines ministry before returning to the States where he lives with his wife Roma and their three girls in Boonton, New Jersey.

[Name kept secured]

Regional Director

Our Regional Director for southern Asia is an experienced trainer with a passion for equipping leaders and pastors for outreach and church planting among Unreached People Groups. His education (Th.M.) and his pastoral team experience have well prepared him for international impact. He has equipped more than 1000 church planters and has seen churches multiply in some of the most remote regions on earth.

Sharon Pastre

Founder and Director of Grace Community Empowerment

Sharon is a gifted and successful architect who gave up her profession to spend her life serving Jesus Christ among the poor in the Philippines. She leads Grace Community Empowerment with overwhelming zeal and devotion. Her husband Rev. Manny Pastre, is a trainer of church planters and a bold witness for the Lord.

Dyonah Thomas

West Africa Director | Founder of Grace Life Ministries

Dyonah is a gifted pastor, leader, and developer of both people and ministry.  Dyonah is the founder and director of Grace Life Ministries (Liberia). He works tirelessly to train church leaders and plant churches in West Africa. Grace Life Ministries is committed to meeting the need for education among the poor as well as other human needs that arise.

Britt Dyer Madden

Britt serves as a missionary with World Ministries in Delft, South Africa, near Cape Town.  Britt oversees the Sunday School and children’s outreach of a local church in that poor community, who would have no one in that capacity unless a supported missionary was available. Britt is a gifted and creative young servant of the Lord who has also expanded her education and evangelistic outreach to include ministry to women.

Dr. Nicky Joya

Founder and Executive Director of ELI Asia, The Evangelical Leadership Institute of Asia

Nicky is the Founder and Executive Director of ELI Asia, The Evangelical Leadership Institute of Asia. Nicky and his wife, Sally, and a team of dedicated educators work tirelessly to provide Biblical and theological training for pastors in the provinces of the Philippines where seminaries and Bible colleges are absent. As Dr. Joya states, ” We are a small band of biblical, theological and ministerial educators whose mission is to provide quality teaching materials and practical training for pastors, elders and other church leaders right where they are so they don’t have to leave their respective places of ministry. Such an arrangement is intentionally designed to make them fulfill their practical requirements for theological training, each with his or her own unique ministry context in view. It also relieves them of additional expenses like transportation, food and lodging, considerations students should face had they been enrolled in a seminary campus miles away from their places of origin.”

Nicky and Sally have been friends and partners with World Ministries since 2004. Those interested in supporting their ministry may donate through World Ministries on the “GIVE” page of our website.

Dr. Lazarus and Lois Seruyange

Dr. Lazarus and Lois Seruyange are the founders of Proclaim Africa, based in Uganda. Lazarus serves as Executive Director of the ministry and Lois ministers in a wide variety of roles with a special emphasis on equipping women.  The mission of Proclaim Africa is to help fulfill Christ’s Great Commission in Uganda and beyond by: Helping pastors and other church leaders become more competent and effective in biblical preaching and other aspects of ministry.  http://www.proclaimafrica.org/

Pastor Doug Anderson

Doug and his wife, Dawn, served as international missionaries and mission exec in Latin America for many years before embarking upon more than two decades of pastoral ministry in the United States. Doug continues to have a heart for missionaries and often serves as encourager and teacher overseas and here in the States. His latest passion is providing a daily devotion, “Walking With Jesus” that is is available on the internet and as an Android app. Walking with Jesus Ministries is a partner ministry of World Ministries.